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AM PM Skin Care Routine

AM PM Skin Care Routine

Men’s skin care has recently seen a surge in attention and for good reason. Many men now recognize the importance of taking care of their skin beyond just basic hygiene. Men’s skin health encompasses a lot of things, but some men are not so sure what they need to do. This guide will delve into various aspects of men’s skin care. Look forward to reading about the necessary steps and why they matter.

Build a Schedule and Stick to It

What is the basis for good skin health? A good, regular skin care routine. Consistency with skin care matters a lot, and that means developing a routine and sticking to it. Of course, no one expects someone with no experience to randomly come up with a routine that works. Likewise, every man has his own skin type, preferences, and specific needs.

Know Your Skin Type

Speaking of skin types, that is a vital piece of information that carries a lot of importance. Knowing your skin type forms the basis of everything else, from which products to use to how and when to use them. Many brands offer skin care routine templates categorized by skin type. For a man looking for some guidance on developing their own skin care routine, Aneeq’s Skin Care Routines are a really good place to start.

The Pillars of Men’s Skin Care

Some people hear ‘skin care’ and assume it is all about showering twice a day and using moisturizer. While regular baths and regular moisturizer applications are pretty important, they are by no means the end of skin care. There is so much more than that involved. Here are the major aspects of men’s skin care that every man must know:


This is the most basic aspect of skin care. Keeping the skin clean makes everything else so much easier. For men, the skin tends to be oilier and thicker than women’s, so cleaning is a more thorough exercise. That does not mean cleaning the skin harshly with ‘tough’ products or scrubbing till the skin is raw. That will do more harm than good, removing the important top layers of skin and eradicating necessary biomimicry. A gentle cleanser will still remove dirt and excess oil without stripping natural moisture too.


Yes, men do need to exfoliate. Exfoliation refers to the use of agents to remove dead skin cells. Of course, the entire top layer of the skin consists of dead cells, but they get renewed regularly. The surface layer remains, however, clogging up pores and stopping the skin from breathing.

Regular exfoliation eliminates that unwanted layer, so the skin does not become dull. This also helps promote a smoother complexion. The best exfoliating agents come with natural ingredients like apricot seeds. They are less likely to cause adverse reactions on the skin.


Generally, moisturizing is a tricky thing. Some assume that oily skin does not need any moisturizer applied to it. On the contrary, skin moisture does not refer to natural oil content. All men need to hydrate their skin, whether they have dry skin or not. Moisturizing helps to maintain elasticity and prevent dehydration in the skin. There are moisturizers suitable for different skin types, which reinforces the importance of knowing your skin before any skin care.

Sun Protection

A few words of advice: skin cancer is a serious matter, and having dark skin does not make a person immune to the dangers of UV radiation. A good-quality sunscreen has to occupy a spot of priority among your skin care products. Some sunscreens contain moisturizing agents, but their primary function is to shield the skin from harmful UV rays. Those rays prematurely age the skin, in addition to accelerating the risk of skin cancer.

Other Aspects of Skin Care

In addition to using the right products, there are some other factors that influence a man’s skin care. They are:



Eating a lot of junk food negates much of the progress achieved with quality skincare products. On the other hand, a healthier diet will magnify the effects of a good skincare routine. Regular water intake also plays a role in a person’s skin condition. Everybody needs a solid, steady amount of daily sleep. When a person fails to get that sleep, the skin is one of the first indicators. It became dull, with bags under the eyes. Therefore, regular sleep is absolutely vital for good skin.

Why Men Need to Focus on Skin Care

Men’s skin care is not about vanity; it is an essential component of overall health and well-being. Prioritizing skincare contributes to a holistic approach to self-care. Taking care of your skin can positively impact your social life. Good skin is a fundamental part of a good overall appearance. Proper skin care contributes to physical health by preventing skin issues. A balanced diet and regular sleep are also important for general health, not just good skin.

Men’s skin care goes beyond superficial grooming; it is an investment in one’s health. By adopting a holistic approach to skin care, men can not only look good but also feel good, both physically and mentally.